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The Rooster House by Victoria Belim review secrets and lies in Ukraine

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The ObserverAutobiography and memoirReviewThe half-Ukrainian, half-Russian Belim offers a personal perspective on the region’s recent history while circling around a family mystery Anyone wanting to understand the geopolitical background of the current conflict in Ukraine will probably have found their head spinning at the complex history of occupation, independence and ethnic, linguistic and political divisions in this contested “borderland” region. As Victoria Belim writes in her memoir: “Ukraine, with its key position between Russia and western Europe, was always going to be a battleground for Russian imperial ambitions. Read More...

Watch this doggy drama queen pretend her legs don't work after getting her nails trimmed

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Redeem now A TikTok video shows a dramatic dog pretending her legs don't work after her nails were clipped. The video been viewed more than 727,000 times on the app. There are ways to make your dog more comfortable while clipping their nails, according to vets. Just a few days after Arthur, a Shih Tzu and Westie mix, went viral for being very dramatic about his nails getting trimmed, another dog tried out a new tactic when faced with the same annoyance: pretending her legs don't work. Read More...

What Does the Actress Who Played Jan Brady Think of Her Meme?

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Let's just take a moment to #flashbackfriday and think about the genius that was The Brady Bunch Movie and its even better follow up, A Very Brady Sequel. Well, in the ultimate example of what the Internet does best, people have rediscovered the brilliance of the movie and Jan's middle-child syndrome misery. "Marcia Marcia Marcia!" was the name of the game, and poor Jan just couldn't live up to her perfect sister's (Christine Taylor) life, except when it came to boyfriends. Read More...


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