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Mum campaigns to keep daughters murderer in jail

A Northamptonshire woman joined 2000 protestors in London to keep the man who murdered her daughter and grandchildren from EVER being released from prison.

53 year old Carol Quinn found her daughter Claire and her two grandchildren, 7 year old Jade and 8 year old Kieren, dead at their home in Bugbrooke in July 2000.

They'd been murdered by Claire's husband, Philip Austin.

31 year old Claire, who worked as an auxillary nurse, had been stabbed to death with such force that the knife had snapped. Jade and Kieren had also both been strangled while they were asleep in bed. The families poodle had also been beaten to death with a mallet.

Philip Austin, then 31, was given three life sentences for the triple murders, with a minimum of 20 years.

But Carol's worried that he'll be let out of prison once he's served his minimum sentence or, even sooner. She says:

"You take a life, you've crossed a line. There's no other crime as serious as murder. How can they ever say that that person will never take another life.

It absolutely terrifies me, the thought of him coming out. It musn't happen. Which is why I'll fight until I take my last breath to keep him inside so that he can never do this to anyone else."

Following the murders, Carol and her husband Harry Quinn joined NEVA - The North East Victims Association - to try and help them cope.

Carol is protesting with others from NEVA, who've lost a loved one to murder, outside parliament. She says they want LIFE to mean LIFE sentence.

"It's too late when they've done it. Taken a life. They should have there's in prison.

No one knows until they've been through it the pain and hurt that it causes. It changes your life forever.
